I am continually having to delete posts and ban users from posting ads. These users are not Roxy fans and have no interest in this site other than trying to create hits and links to their own website.
Every time I ban them from doing this they pop up with a new user name. I am working on ways on how to prevent this.
I contacted the company today and asked to be put through to their complaints deprartment and was asked to hold on. This happened 8 times over 2 hours with me hanging on at my expense in time and cost 7-11 minutes over the 8 calls I made. When I made a complaint about this to the 'receptionist' I was told they were a very busy company (as if I had plenty time to be on the phone to them all day) I got a friend to phone 2 minutes later and ask to speak to someone who could help them buy a kitchen and guess what, someone came straight on the phone.
The company sounds like one of those companies you see on 'Watchdog' on UK TV
I am leaving their spam here for evidence until I have the matter resolved. Please ignore any kitchen related topics and don't even open the threads, it will only encourage them I have in place a way of fighting fire with fire and will let you know the result of this later this week.
If any regular on the forum wants to help me in this please e-mail me at