Lyrics to Daddy

Lyrics to the song Daddy as recorded by Andy Mackay & Howard Schuman for the TV series Rock Follies in 1976

You, you want to be
My Daddy
My Daddy
But I don't
Want a Daddy
Who makes me sigh

I want a
Hot loving
Rinky dinking
Fast moving lover
Who digs my body
And my mind
I want a
Strong silent
Slow thinking
Blue dating lover
The natural butch
Protective kind

I want to be
A woman
A woman
And a woman
Don't want Daddy
A woman wants
A man
A woman wants
A man
A woman wants
A man.



Album Track

Daddy was written by Andy Mackay with Howard Schumann for the first series of the TV drama 'Rock Follies' in 1976

Song Musicians

Daddy is on the following Roxy Music and Solo Albums