Lyrics to Astrud

Lyrics to the song Astrud as recorded by Phil Manzanera.

We were slow dancing
To the voice of Astrud
That's when you undid
My secret heart

We were together
For a quiet moment
I knew that I wanted
You in my life

Are we taking a risk
Do we face abyss
When you kiss me I melt in your arms
Is it safer to say
We got carried away

I was down hearted
Didn't know my potential
The music started
My old self died

Are we taking a risk
Do we face abyss
Is the mystery of love around
Is it safer to say
We got carried away

Are we taking a risk
Do we face abyss
When you whisper my name in the dark
Is it safer to say
We got carried away



Album Track

This track from Phil Manzanera's Southern Cross album featured Ana Maria Velez on vocals. It was also recorded live with Moncada on the album Live At The Karl Marx.

Song Musicians

Astrud is on the following Roxy Music and Solo Albums