Lyrics to Smoke Dreams

Lyrics to the song Smoke Dreams as recorded by Bryan Ferry.

Smoke Dreams Of You

Written by
Gibsone & De Granville
Published by B. Feldman & Co

Watching smoke rise cloud in my eyes
I see your face forming out of the blue
Sad and lonely all on my own
With smoke dreams of you

In reverie, sweet memory
Takes me again to the days that we knew
We were happy, now I'm alone
With smoke dreams of you

In the twilight gloom, of my silent room
I light a cigarette
First the glow is warm and the ashes fall
Just like a mannish love I can't forget
Paradise lost, at what a cost
There's no escape in the things that I do
I've been haunted all my life through
With smoke dreams of you

In the twilight gloom, of my silent room
I light a cigarette
First the glow is warm and then the ashes fall
Just like a mannish love I can't forget
Paradise lost, at what a cost
There's no escape in the things that I do
I've been haunted all my life through,
With smoke dreams, smoke dreams of you

Smoke Dreams

Album Track

Smoke Dreams is a previously unreleased song available on the Bryan Ferry Mainland Europe single 'It's All Over Now Baby Blue' and also the UK single 'Goddess Of Love'.

Smoke Dreams written by Gibsone & De Granville published by B. Feldman & Co. and was originally recorded by Fats Waller as 'Smoke Dreams Of You' in 1939

Song Musicians

Smoke Dreams is on the following Roxy Music and Solo Albums