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Lyrics to The Main Thing (Re-mix)

LLyrics to the song The Main Thing as recorded by Roxy Music.


Look at my hand

There's a soul on fire

You can lead me even higher

It's the main thing

The main thing

It's the main thing

Everybody knows

When a good thing's gone

You can really turn me on 

All day, all day long

It's the main thing

All day long

The main thing

All day long

It's the main thing

All day, all day long

You run through here

With your words of sand

I can nearly understand

All day, all day long

It's the main thing

All day, all day long

It's the main thing

All day long

The main thing

All day long

The main thing

All day, all day long

The Main Thing (Re-mix)

Album Track

A remix of Roxy Music's The Main Thing was done by Rhett Davies & Ian Little and was used as the b-side to the Take A Chance With Me Single in Europe. This version was the same length as the album version but edited differently.

Song Musicians

The Main Thing (Re-mix) is on the following Roxy Music and Solo Albums