Lyrics to Biba Nova

Lyrics to the song Biba Nova as recorded for the TV series Rock Follies by Andy Mackay & Howard Schuman.

At Midnight
London sleeps inside
But certain limousines
Still glide
They take a silent ghostly ride to

The passengers
Feel incomplete
They cruise a littered
Chelsea street
And listen for the phantom beat of

Languid men
With the moon shining out of their lazy eyes
Cool woman
With the sound of Biba-Nova in their frozen sighs
Too soon their night
Shades into day
They al recall
What they would say
A magic phrase as they did way to

We're all gonna live forever%85
Like Biba-Nova

It's after four
The stars won't wait
She's feeling faint
He's feeling fate
They ream of 1968 and

We're gonna live forever%85
It's all over



Biba Nova

Album Track

Biba Nova was written by Andy Mackay & Howard Schuman for the TV series Rock Follies in 1976

Song Musicians

Biba Nova is on the following Roxy Music and Solo Albums