Lyrics to Would You Believe?

Lyrics to the song Would You Believe? as recorded by Roxy Music.

Would you believe in what I do
When the things that I make are all for you?
Oh honey say you do
And in a while I'll come to you
Showing showing why
What I think will all come true

Well I'm sure I'll love you all my life
And in the morning too
Everything you have is out of sight
But even I can see through you

And in a while I'll come to you
Showing showing why
What I think will all come true

Would you believe in what I do
When the things that I make are all for you?

Would You Believe?

Album Track

Roxy Music performed live during the early period but hasn't been performed since early 1973. The songs arrangement goes from the futuristic opening screeches to 1950's rock 'n' roll.

What Bryan Says....

"Actually, Would You Believe? is the most restricting thing we do - far less satisfying than the rest - because it's a very set thing, a little cameo with no room for improvement or interesting improvising. It's very much something that we have to act through, and if we're not in the mood there's not much we can do."

Song Musicians

Would You Believe? is on the following Roxy Music and Solo Albums